Seeing smoke of any kind during a candle flame reading lets you know the energy of the element Air is present in your reading. Air is the element of creativity, intellect, and clear articulation. A powerful element for new beginnings, self-expression, and happiness. A dual flame can also indicate a presence, spirit, or guide (possibly two) has joined your ritual. However, it may be referring to multiple people or intentions. Refer to your intention or spell and use your intuition to determine a dual flame’s true meaning.
What is candle ghosting?
Ghosting is a term that refers to discoloration that appears on surfaces in a home. The source of this discoloration can be a mystery to anyone not familiar with the phenomenon. Ghosting is the result of particulates attaching themselves to surfaces.
Interpreting Candle Flame Meanings: Your Ultimate Guide
What follows is an examination of these beliefs and the meaning behind illuminated candles combined with prayer and meditation. This examination will of course include a look into the significance and meaning of candle colors. She also adds that while it can be tempting to keep a candle burning in an effort to reach your goal faster, that’s not actually how it works. Candle magic involves adding candles to spells and rituals for different effects. Different colors, as well as scents, can be used for specific desired outcomes, which we’ll touch on in a bit. Focus on the candle’s aura (the light right outside the flame) and visualize it getting bigger and bigger until it fills the room.
Egg Cleanse Meaning and Powerful Ritual Interpretation
White represents truth, unity, harmony, and wholeness of spirit. The user who burns a white candle is invoking lunar energy. Since all colors are derived from pure white light, a white candle can be used as replacement for any other candle in many rituals. Blackened wax in candle reading signifies negative energies, interference, protective barriers, or a clearing of negativity.
Candles were among the earliest inventions of the ancient world, as shown by candlesticks from Egypt and Crete dating to at least 3000 BC. Please note that I make every effort to ensure this information is correct and accurate through my own experiences and referencing sources throughout this article. Sometimes, a candle will burn in such a way that one side of the candle falls over and curls onto itself.
- Many others instead choose to gauge their answer by carefully watching the size, movement, and shape of the candle flame instead.
- When a candle doesn’t have a clean burn, then your spell is having some difficulty being conjured.
- Either your wick is too short or your spell is facing a lot of obstacles.
- While Advent wreaths as we know them have been around for nearly 200 years, the tradition of celebrating Advent goes back much further.
- Others may divine messages from the leftover wax of a burned candle right where it lies; your practice is valid no matter which method you choose.
- This candle is lit on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, the culmination of Advent.
They can provide answers to questions posed during prayers, indicate the presence of negative energy which needs to be cleared, or even evaluate the efficacy of a prayer. While most spells can be done with a singular intention in mind, others may require a bit of layering. In this case, you can certainly combine candle colors. “Silver is a deeply introspective color,” says Potter.
- Air is the element of creativity, intellect, and clear articulation.
- Black is always a protective force in color magick.
- It’s said that if your candle is popping or crackling or otherwise making a lot of noise, that spirits are trying to talk to you.
- “I always think yellow is a good one on your birthday to celebrate that solar return and bring in all of that good energy,” says Potter.
- Once your candle is out, close out your practice and thank any guides you worked with.
Most candle meanings come from ancient cultures and practices, such as the Romans, Babylonians, Greeks, and Celts. Over the centuries, various religions, such as Hoodoo rootwork, have added to the candle divination meanings. In fact, many of the candle flame meanings were adopted and incorporated into numerous practices, including Wicca. If you only have access to white candles, you can use them to invoke… well, whatever you need. “Yellow illuminates, blue clarifies,” notes Potter.
Now with a flickering flame as our guide, let’s embark on a journey to decipher the language of the candle flame’s meaning. Check in with your higher guidance with our easy process for reading candle wax. The fourth advent candle is the last one lit in most advent wreaths, marking the last phase of the advent season. It has perhaps the most sentimental meaning of all the advent candles, a meaning that is often seen as just a cliché.
How do you read a candlestick analysis?
- Open – the first trade during the period specified by the candle.
- High – the highest traded price.
- Low – the lowest traded price.
- Close – the last trade during the period specified by the candle.
How to do a candle ritual
Perhaps subconsciously, your intuition guided you to it because of the way it was made. Or, perhaps something higher was guiding you towards that particular tool. It’s a sign of conflict, bad energy, and opposition to your spell work. A dancing flame is a sign candle readings and meanings that a spell is working, but suggests there are some obstacles. If the flame is tall enough to push beyond its limits, it’s trying to tell you that you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. Quinn also recommends placing your candle in a shallow bowl of water (not fully submerged, of course), to help alchemize the energy, coupling water with fire.
Potter suggests lighting a brown candle to help you find it. That discontinued tube of lipstick that you lost three months ago will come back real quick. Brown will also be the candle to reach for when it comes to animals, or when working a spell for your pets.
Okay, so you probably want to know how to do a candle flame reading now that you know the interpretations and meanings. Let’s explore a few practical tips to enhance your candle flame reading. A tall strong candle flame means your challenges are crumbling, and quick, positive outcomes are inevitable. Your intention was successful and will come to fruition. There’s clearly a lot of power behind your magic and intention. A jumping candle flame is a lot more feisty than a flickering flame and indicates that your spell is surrounded by a lot of energy.
You can learn how to perform a candle wax reading once you understand the process. The meanings of melted candle wax patterns can help you tap into your psychic and intuitive self. In this method, the practitioner lights a candle and allows it to burn for several minutes. During this time, the querent focuses on the question they would like answered by the wax.
What does a big flame on a candle mean?
If your candle flame looks unusually tall, then it's probably burning too hot and causing your wax to melt faster than it's supposed to. Not only will your candle not last as long, a high flame can lead to a bunch of other issues as well.